Who is the best Ryan?
We will take a look at the strengths and weaknesses of Ryan Reynolds and Ryan Gosling to determine once and for all: who is the best Ryan?
Ryan vs Ryan: Liquid Table Demo
Ryan Reynolds |
Ryan Gosling |
### ### LAYOUT INHERITANCE ### ### pages built by adding elements ### to other page layouts ### default.html layout │ └── nice-text.html layout │ └── liquid-table.html layout # see liquid table below ### ### default.html layout ### <html> <head> <body> <header> {{ content }} <footer> </body> </html> ### ### {{content}} ### is replaced by ### whatever content ### is on the page that ### uses the default.html ### template ### ### ### nice-text.html layout ### --- layout: default --- <div class="pretty-text"> <h1> {{ page.title }} </h1> {{ content }} </div> ### ### liquid-table.html layout ### --- layout: nice-text --- {{ content }} # liquid table starts here ### ### LIQUID TABLE ADDED USING YAML DATA ### ### liquid is a simple markup language that allows ### web designers to separate page layouts from ### page content without databases ### ### {% function in liquid %} ### {{ variable in liquid }} ### ### ### YAML HEADER FOR PAGE ### --- layout: liquid-table title: 'amiright?' reynolds: strengths: - good father - funny - dated alanis morissette weaknesses: - singing - green lantern movie - tennis backhand gosling: strengths: - builds houses - is a real boy - never dated alanis morissette weaknesses: - micky mouse club - cries a lot - not ryan reynolds --- ### ### LIQUID TAG TABLE IN LAYOUT ### ### HTML ELEMENTS: ### <thead> table header ### <tr> table row ### <td> table cell (or data) ### <ul> unordered list ### <li> list item ### <h2> Ryan vs Ryan </h2> <table id="ryan-v-ryan"> <thead> <tr> <th> <h3> Ryan Reynolds </h3> </th> <th> <h3> Ryan Gosling </h3> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td> <h4> Strengths </h4> <ul> ### LIQUID LOOPS WITH YAML DATA ### reynolds: ### strengths: ### - good father ### - funny ### - dated alanis morissette {% for item in page.reynolds.strengths %} <li> {{ item }} </li> {% endfor %} ### LIQUID LOOP CREATES HTML CODES: ### <li> good father </li> ### <li> funny </li> ### <li> dated alanis morissette </li> </ul> <br> <h4> Weaknessess </h4> <ul> {% for item in page.reynolds.weaknesses %} <li> {{ item }} </li> {% endfor %} </ul> </td> <td> <h4> Strengths </h4> <ul> {% for item in page.gosling.strengths %} <li> {{ item }} </li> {% endfor %} </ul> <br> <h4> Weaknessess </h4> <ul> {% for item in page.gosling.weaknesses %} <li> {{ item }} </li> {% endfor %} </ul> </td> </tr> </table>